Pennsylvania Sheep & Wool Growers Association

September 14, 2024- Field Day at Ewe Lamb Right Farm in Shippensburg, PA.  Ewe Lamb Right (ELR) is owned and operated by Dan & Jan Turner since 2013.  It is one of the largest private, NSIP Katahdin farms in the country.  With over 300 ewes and an aseasonal lambing program, there will be plenty to see and discover here.  The educational sessions will cover a variety of topics for all stages of production, for all varieties of sheep.  A pasture and farm tour with many pieces of handling equipment on display.  Special guest and chef, Nick Forrest of the American Lamb Board will be prepairing and cooking a lamb lunch. 

Building Blocks for Flocks Flyer

September 29,2024- Shearing School.  Learn to shear sheep - your own and others'.  This shearing school will start the evening of the 28th with classroom instruction, then cover an intense, hands-on training session on Saturday.  Equipment to learn with will be provided.

October 19, 2024- Sheep Symposium and Annual Meeting.  This will have several experts providing educational sessions and presentations from the Make It With Wool team and the Wool Queen.  Learn how PSWGA interfaces with ASI as part of the backbone to the American Sheep Industry, and how you are part of it.  

September 27 - October 6, Keystone International Livestock Exhibit (KILE) 

Sheep barn opens Sept 30.  Expect to see over 1,000 sheep!

The wool arrival deadline is 11:00am on the 3rd.   

Keystone Leadline is Saturday morning the 5th

PA Make It With Wool is Saturday morning the 5th

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