Fleece To Shawl & Sheep To Shawl
Fleece To Shawl is the youth version of the Sheep To Shawl competition which happens at the PA Farm Show every year. The youth do not have to shear a sheep at the beginning of the competition. They start with a fleece that has already been shorn.
Sheep To Shawl is the adult competition where a sheep is selected and shorn at the beginning of the competition. The shearing of the sheep is timed and is often between 3 & 5 minutes, though some are a bit faster and some a bit slower. The entire competition lasts 3 hours and ends with a cmpleted shawl from each team, which is then auctioned off.
2025 Sheep To Shawl Teams by Placement:
First: Time Warp, Montour County sold for $4700
Second: Friends Thru Fiber, Franklin County sold for $2700
Third: BAAAhd Girls, Berks/Schuylkill County sold for $1000
Fourth: Mutton But Trouble, Lancaster County sold for $1200
Fifth: Lamb Fam, Dauphin County sold for $1100
Sixth: Sheep Thrills, York County did not meet required length
Seventh: Fidget Spinners, Lancaster County sold for $1100