Welcome to the Pennsylvania Sheep and Wool Growers Association (PSWGA) website.
The PSWGA supports education and marketing of food and fiber from sheep for lamb and wool producers. We encourage any and all sheep producers to become involved with the PSWGA to strengthen the Pennsylvania sheep industry.
Sponsored Activities:
* PA Sheep Field Day
* PA Make it With Wool
* PA Performance Tested Ram Lamb & Meat Goat Buck and Invitational Ewe Sale
* PA Lamb & Wool Queen Program
* PA Shepherd's Symposium
* PA Shepherd's Quiz Bowl
* Keystone International Livestock Exposition
* Leadline
* Livestock Judging
* Sheep Shows
* PA Sheep to Shawl Competition
* PA Farm Show
* Young Shepherd's Skillathon
* Sheep Shows
* Penn State Ag Progress Days
* Educational Station at the PA Farm Show
* PA Outstanding Young Shepherd's Award
And numerous other industry related promotional and educational events!
President Dan Turner Ewe Lamb Right Farm 210 Big Pond Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-2435 dan@ewelambright.com
Vice President MacKenzieie Strawser 239 Green Acres Lane Herndon, PA 17830
Secretary Katie Nolt Glenbrook Farm 114 Glenbrook Rd Leola, PA 17540
Treasurer Greg Hubbard 1736 Bethel Hollow Road New Paris, PA 15554 814-932-9000 psushepherd@yahoo.com Immediate Past President Greg Hubbard 1736 Bethel Hollow Road New Paris, PA 15554 814-932-9000 psushepherd@yahoo.com
Immediate Past Treasurer Tom Calvert Shober Farm 137 Archery Rd Berlin, PA 15530 814-267-3771 lcalvert44@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor Melanie Barkley 8887 Hyndman Road Buffalo Mills, PA 15534 814-979-2250 meh7@psu.edu
Webmaster Kathy Soder K Bar K Farm 5867 Eberle Road Petersburg, PA 16669 814-669-1374 info@kbarkfarm.com